Sunday, July 26, 2020

Teddy Edwards – The Inimitable Teddy Edwards (Xanadu/Elemental, 1976)

Teddy Edwards (ts); Duke Jordan (p); Larry Ridley (b); Frederick Waits (d)

Recorded on June 25, 1976

I'm so glad that Elemental saw fit to reissue this LP.  I think it's one of Teddy Edwards' very best.  His playing exudes charisma.  The supporting rhythm team of Jordan, Ridley, and Waits is right on the money too.

It's hard to imagine anyone not getting a kick out of this music.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that artists like Teddy Edwards are represented on reissues. His 1960s work on Contemporary Records is likely his best work, especially a pairing with Howard McGhee. But I like "Teddy's Ready" just as much. The Xanadu puts him in a simple context with follow expatriate Duke Jordan, and the session is a great success. Hard to analyze Edward's appeal - not an innovator or band leader. But a resourceful artist who emerged in the heydays of jazz and contributed works like this for future generations to enjoy. With so much attention heaped on tenor sax royalty (deservedly, of course), it's easy to lose perspective on the vast number of other musicians who helped build the house of jazz.


Project Wrap Up

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