Sunday, October 18, 2020

Red Garland – Feelin' Red (Muse/32 Jazz, 1979)

Red Garland (p); Sam Jones (b); Al Foster (d)

Recorded on May 15, 1978

For some reason, many of Red Garland's post-comeback recordings strike me as less-than-fully-satisfying.  I don't know exactly what it is.  There's nothing wrong with them.  They just seem to lack the "juice" that makes his earlier work so compelling.

Feelin' Red is an definite exception to this generalization.  It's soulful and propulsive and swings hard.  It's easily my favorite Red Garland LP from the decade.

1 comment:

  1. Good to know about this one. I also recommend "Equinox" from 1978 on Galaxy. It's a trio with Roy Haynes and Richard Davis.

    Most unusual is "The Quota" from 1971 on MPS, which features Jimmy Heath! I was skeptical but it works really well and is beautifully recorded by the German label.

    Red Garland is a great example of an artist with a great reputations and track record that is not uniformly great. But the good ones are worth searching out!


Project Wrap Up

I've now listed all 366 entries in my survey, one for each day of the year in 2020. Before ending the project, I wanted to share some mo...