Sunday, November 22, 2020

Philip Catherine, Charlie Mariano, Jasper van 't Hof – Sleep My Love (CMP, 1979)

Philip Catherine (g, g syn); Charlie Mariano (ss, as, fl, nadaswaram); Jasper van 't Hof (p, el p, org, syn, kalimba)

Recorded in December 1978 and February 1979

Purists should stay away from this Sleep My Love.  The music billows with electronic sounds, from both Catherine's synth guitar and van 't Hof's array of keyboards.  However, those who are willing put aside preconceived notions and embrace this music as it is will discover surreal and dream-like musical soundscapes conjured by these three masterful musicians.

Look for more from Charlie Mariano later in the survey.

1 comment:

  1. I always enjoy listening to this CD. There's really nothing weird about it, despite the instrumentation. Mariano has always a searcher and fits well into the Europeans' concepts. Catherine is perhaps the leader, and his chops can never be questioned. This is really beautiful stuff, and no purist should pass on an opportunity to enjoy this kind of jazz.


Project Wrap Up

I've now listed all 366 entries in my survey, one for each day of the year in 2020. Before ending the project, I wanted to share some mo...